Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Question: Can You Teach Me Some UK Words --?

We regularly hunt for info regarding new information on lift trucks. Here is an important question that I anticipate you would find amusing.

Question by ~Susakins Makoozakins~: Can You Teach Me Some UK Words --?
or something like it.

Like Pickled mean (US) drunk (or does it)

Billios means Nautious in the US (sick to the tummy)

Etc. Etc. Etc.


Best answer:

Answer by Nix Gaunt Lestrange
You mean Brittish slang? I know a few expressions they use.

Pissed also means drunk. You don't want to know how I learned that.
They say "bloody" a lot, and even "bleeding", instead of "effing", though they use that too, mind you. Ex: Where's the bloody remote?
They say "pub" instead of "bar"
The sland for "toilet" is "loo".
They say "lift" instead of "elevator" sometimes.
"Mate", which means "friend", is used at the end of sentences a lot. Ex: Why don't you do something with your mates? [or] Good on you, mate!
"Bloke" means "fellow" or "guy".
If someone is "off their rocker" it means they are insane.
"Lorry" is "truck"
"Ice lolly" is "popsickle" so "lolly" is "lollypop"

Try watching some brittish TV, or looking in the ditionary. the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English tells you whether a word is used in American English or Brittish English. It's very good.

P.S. You mean "nauseous"

What do you think? Answer below!

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