Saturday, May 24, 2014

help me help me help!!!?

We perpetually seek information regarding new information on forklift. Here is an important question that we believe you would find compelling.

Question by 1 MAD HATTER: help me help me help!!!?
my dad just got a job oppurtunity in Singapore and it has a really big salary and were moving. :/ i dont think i could handle leaving my friends here... me and my bff even promised to go to the same college but now all of a sudden i have to leave her... im so sad... But what is it like in Singapore? is it like America? they said we had to live in a flat... :/ what's a flat? i live in a friggin house!!! whats a flat??? and is Singapore like America? not weatherwise, but im talking about like... are the stores the same? will they still sell Hot Topic there? im not good at adjusting to this when ive lived in America my whole life! what is the difference between America and Singapore?

Best answer:

Answer by patriot
You're going to have a BLAST!!! What sort of person doesn't like the adventure of moving to a foreign country! You are going to learn so much about the world!

For instance: a flat is an apartment. It's a British word...Singapore was a British colony for much longer than the US was.

No. Singapore is NOT like America. You're going to actually learn something about the world! You'll adjust, and you're sure to make friends.

Do a little searching, and you'll find out some things about Singapore...I have a keypal that lives there...she's older, but I could put you in touch with her if you want some personal insights....

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