Information, news, articles, and videos about industrial forklifts and their operation in industry.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
News: Seegrid Robotic Trucks Profiled in Forklift News Section
Here is another news blurb that we at Industrial Forklift though you would find thought-provoking. Industrial Forklifts repeatedly on the look out for details on the use of industrial forklifts in our surrondings.
Be sure and check out the full post if you are interested to know more.
Friday, November 18, 2011
My short story .. Opinions. Please and thanks. NEED HELP NOW!(:?
We endlessly work news regarding new information on lifts. Here is an important question that I thought you would find thought-provoking.
Question by JennaGirl21: My short story .. Opinions. Please and thanks. NEED HELP NOW!(:?
My whole life began and ended two years ago. I sat at the edge of the lake, like I do every morning. I starred off into the magnificent sunrise, thinking... Thinking about Jacob, I loved him so much but to no surprise we faded apart.
The day we met I had seemed like we knew each other for ages. Blind to everything in the world but him, this was truly love at first sight. I took one glance at him and knew he, Jacob, was the one I would spend the rest of my life with.
"Today," he said, "I will make this the most unforgettable day of your life." He grabbed my hand and sprinted out side to his old ford truck. "My lady," he gestured to the open door, helping me up. "Thank you very much," I thanked him with the happiest grin on my face. Leaping into the car, he handed me a blindfold, he insisted I put it on so that it was a surprise as to where he was taking me. It was a long drive, soon I was getting a little bit nervous, but as I heard his calming voice, immediately my nervousness was overcome by excitement.
The long drive soon ended as the car pulled off the road. I reached up about to remove the blindfold. "NO! Please don't do that Jasmine, it will ruin my surprise." I giggled to his seriousness but reluctantly I kept it on. He raced around the car to my door. As he opened the door I turned my body sideways to face him, with one strong gesture, he grabbed me around my waist and lifted me down to the ground. I was falling in love, and all I could do is stand there and smile. He grabbed my hand and led me down a path. Once we got to the bottom of this mysterious place, he lifted me up and carried me to a seat, where he then set my down. "Okay Jasmine, are you ready?" Not being able to speak, I just nodded my head.
I was breathless. I stood up and walked around, turning in a full 360. Nobody was in sight, just him and me. I was standing in a little beach house with no walls, just curtains for privacy. In the middle of there was and over sized hammock with a small nightstand next to it. But that was just the least of my amazement, it was stunning, the view. We were on a beach with warm, soft sand that stretched miles on either side of us. In front of us was the calm, beautiful, blue ocean meeting the multicolored horizon. Now that it was almost nightfall, the sky was absolutely breathtaking.
"Jacob. Oh my gosh! This is magnificent!" I exclaimed with joyful tears in my eyes. I ran over to him and swung my arms around him. He lifted me up and spun me around. "I'm so glad you like it." Jacob had a huge grin on his face! "I have something for you," he said so mysteriously, "I'll be right back though, it's in my truck." As he sprinted up to his truck I just stood their taking in the beauty.
When he came back he was in swim trunks, and a button down shirt. Holding a bikini in one hang and I towel in another he handed it to me. "Here, I thought we could have fun and go swimming, you can go change behind those curtains, I'll be waiting for you on the beach," and with that he walked out to give me privacy. I changed into the bikini and went outside to meet him.
After hours of swimming and splashing around in the water having fun it started to get dark, so he took my hand and we started walking down the beach. We were talking about everything and anything. Just laughing and having a good romantic time. After walking till one in the morning he drove me home, he told me we should do that again sometime. I agreed. After he left I fell asleep soundly, and dreamt about him that night.
The next couple days I didn't want to seem too anxious and call him, so I waited... The first time I called him, it went to voicemail, so I left him a message. After a week went by I called and I couldn't reach him. I was a little disappointed by then, but I didn't give up hope, I was determined to see him. Soon after a couple months went by, I tried any number under him name, not wanting to lose him. After six months I realized, I was probably never going to talk to him or see him ever again. I cried my eyes out for days, and became severely depressed after a while, it went so far that I didn't know what was going on around me and I was just planning on letting my life take its course, though I was wishing to die. I had just lost my first real love.
Vaguely I heard voices, I felt uncomfortable and out of place. I didn't understand where I was or what was going on. I was lying down, and I couldn't see, the bed was very stiff and cold. I felt like I couldn't move, nor could I understand what people were saying.
Where was I? The room it was simple; a bed, a chair and a sink. The walls were painted dark purple, rather dirty looking, and the floor was just plain wood. "Good morning Jasmine. How are today?" a young woman walked into the room and asked. I didn't know ho
"Hello. Umm, I'm good, thank you. Can you tell me wear I am please, and how do you know my name?" The most shocked look came across the women's face. "I, uh. Jasmine, hold on," and with the she took off out the door with tears in her eyes.
!!! THATS IT. THANKS. umm also what grade level do you think im writing at.. im in 8th grade.
Best answer:
Answer by poppy
im incredibly sorry but I'm not in the mood to read your story (hehe, rather lazy)
but seriously, this site is great cause you post your stories or any type of writing, really.
its a site like this, dedicated to just editing/criticizing the user's work. you get points by analyzing other people's work and can "unlock" reviews on your work with those points.
its a fairly professional community, everyone their seems like they know what they're talking about and offer good advice.
i suggest you post this there ! Especially if you're into writing and want to pursue it outside of school
edit: so i just checked that site out again for the first time in a while, it doesn't appear to be working right now lol...
Add your own answer in the comments!
Be sure and check out all the questions asked in posts.
Monday, November 7, 2011
News: Get Quality Forklift Truck Attachments And Other Forklift Accessories At E. V. Leonard
Here is another news blurb that Industrial Forklift though you would find compelling. Industrial Forklifts repeatedly hunt for info on the use of industrial forklifts in our environment.
Be sure and investigate the full article if you are interested to know more.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sourcing Out For Forklift Parts And The History And Industrial Standards Of The Forklift
We constantly search for news regarding new information on forklifts. We have enclosed an article that we anticipate you would find intriguing.
Sourcing Out For Forklift Parts And The History And Industrial Standards Of The Forklift
There are several factors which one needs to consider when looking for replacement parts for fork lifts. The most important thing to note first is that these are heavy duty machines and so the forklift parts which you use for replacement should be durable enough so as not to compromise the functionality of your forklifts
The quality of the spare parts you go for will determine the efficiency of your fork lift truck. Always make sure that you deal with a reputable company which stocks original and genuine parts as opposed to counterfeits that would get you into a series of endless repairs.
You should be able to find spare parts at competitive prices that can provide you with quality service. Also, when you are purchasing forklift parts, make sure that you choose the right part for your model so as not to have fitting and compatibility problems. Every model has its required parts and you need to be very keen with the serial and parts numbers as you place your purchase order.
The Qualities of Good Suppliers
Finding reliable fork lift parts is most certainly the biggest challenge for most people. It is important to work with a company which has a quick turn around time so that you do not suffer great losses in terms of man hours. The efficiency of your spare parts provider will give you enough time to have your track repaired within the appropriate time.
You can use the internet to find a reliable supplier who will be able to not only give you timely services but also quality products. There are many suppliers who have listed their contacts over the internet and offer online services effectively and efficiently. This method will also save you a lot of time, money and energy that you would otherwise spend driving round as you window shop.
The History And Industrial Standards Of The Forklift
The Industrial Revolution brought a need to safely, yet quickly move inventory from one area of a warehouse to another. This need was met by the design and invention of the forklift.
In fact, this industrial vehicle was invented in 1909 after manufacturing executives struggled decided that they needed a new way to move their companies' merchandise. As the twentieth century progressed and more products began being massed produced, the equipment's design was accommodated to meet the growing demand for inventory.
Are you searching for fork truck parts? Go to Forktruck Solutions website for a great range of articles.
This demand met an all-time high when World War II gripped the world and the military began needing supplies like ammunition, guns, and food. The vehicles were adapted to include pallet lifts, hydraulic mechanisms, and side-winding movements to move those products quickly yet safely. Because of its inclusion in the industrial innovations of the mid-twentieth century, the U. S. And other Western countries like the U. K. Became leaders in making and shipping products across the globe.
Today, the forklift continues to enjoy a place in many of today's industries. It is still utilized in manufacturing, but it also has a place in retail businesses. Indeed, many home improvement stores use them to move a customer's purchases from one store area to the customer's vehicle. These items might include lumbar or house siding; it can also include ready to assemble furniture that is packed in wide boxes.
People who drive these pieces of equipment must undergo extensive training and then become certified to operate them. Most states have laws that require workers to pass this training before they be allowed to drive one, in fact. People who begin training often work with spotters, who direct the trainee and advise them how to turn and operate the vehicle.
A forklift is a part of many of today's industries. Its invention and design fueled the industrial revolution and assisted military forces in World War II.
Are you looking for forklift parts? Take a look at Forktruck Solutions website for a great range and for more informtion.
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Fork Truck Training
Image by Ben Cooper
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Safety Forklift Attachment Essentials
Safety Forklift Attachment Essentials
It is true that the forklift is not a fast moving vehicle. Therefore, the dangers that road drivers face are not the same as those faced by forklift operators. However, there are dangers that are unique to forklifts. Every forklift attachment for safety is equally important.
Before 1992, forklift manufacturers were not required by law to fit forklifts with seat belts. In 1996, a man driving an older forklift was killed, largely because the vehicle had not been retrofitted with seat belts. That simple forklift attachment could have saved his life. Additionally, his vehicle had faults in the steering mechanism and the rear axle. When these defects caused the forklift to begin to tip over, the man attempted to escape, but instead was crushed to death by the forklift's overhead guard. It was a preventable accident.
If this forklift had simply been fitted with that forklift attachment, he would not have been able to try to jump from the cab before it fell. Instead, he would have fallen with the vehicle and kept away from the area of highest danger to his life. Yes, he would have sustained injuries, but most likely they would not have been fatal.
The official verdict after the accident was that the cause of the man's death was a combination of neglect of the vehicle and the fact that the operator was not wearing seatbelts. The forklift was being turned on a three degree slope. The faulty axle allowed it to tip too far downhill and the loose steering mechanism made it impossible for the driver to correct his course. Together, these factors made the forklift topple.
A replacement axle, a forklift steering mechanism or a seatbelt is not an expensive forklift attachment. All three of them together are not that expensive. There is a lesson to be learned from this example: forklift safety is not to be taken lightly.
Before operating his forklift, the operator should carry out a short safety inspection. He should check the tire pressure first. This is very important, because if the tire pressure is low on one tire, the forklift will be thrown out of balance. He should also look for any signs of damage to the backrest, overhead guard, forks and mast. If anything is faulty, a replacement forklift attachment should be purchased.
In addition, warning devices such as the lights and horn should be checked every day. Many forklifts do not have reverse beepers. If there is not one on the forklift, it is a forklift attachment that should be purchased. Accidents can easily happen when a forklift is reversing.
This is just a brief sampling of the safety measures that the forklift owner and operator should take. If every forklift owner and operator had thorough training and never skimped on safety forklift attachments, many accidents could be prevented.
Find all the Forklift Accessories you need by shopping online. There are several types of Forklift Attachments and accessories you will find at great prices. Head online today for your needs.
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
Fork Truck Parts - Innovation And Growth For Modern Technology And What You Should Know About Fork Truck Hire
Fork Truck Parts - Innovation And Growth For Modern Technology And What You Should Know About Fork Truck Hire
A fork truck is a powerful industrial truck that is used for lifting and transporting materials. It has become an obligatory part of the production and warehousing processes. They are available in many varieties and load capacities. Along with its immaculate functioning, fork truck parts are also vital for continuous operation. Most of the warehouses use such trucks to load capacity between one to five tons. A larger truck with more than fifty tons capacity is used to lift and load heavier products.
Such trucks are also called high end forte trucks because they are regarded as eloquent counterbalance truck. Floor flatness of high set is required for their guided smooth functioning. There are also automated fork lifts trucks available in the industrial market to reduce operational cost, increase productivity and decrease work wages.
They are readily available in the market at retail and wholesale counters and even over the internet. It is very important to such parts are manufactured with highest quality and standard. They should be cleaned and scrutinized and accumulated with the seller and needed at the time of replacement.
There are companies that manufacture them and offer friendly services in the industry. From transformers to dipsticks and from brake shoes to starters, they are useful at every point of time.
Fork lifts trucks are designed with a load limit for the forks that is decreased with the elevation of fork and load undercutting. Fork truck parts are manufactured with safety standards. The truck operators are trained before giving a job. They are taught the method of using the truck and the use or importance of each part of the truck.
Today there are many companies producing truck parts. You can be sure to get fork truck parts of reliable and standard quality with low priced material.
What You Should Know About Fork Truck Hire
There are many reasons why a business or even an individual may find that they have a need for a piece of equipment such as a fork truck. These are instrumental in moving large, heavy, or simply bulky items. Rather than buying such an expensive piece of equipment, it is often a much better idea to consider a fork truck hire.
A fork truck represents an enormous expense. Very few company have this kind of money to spend on equipment, and even fewer individuals will. Rather than spending so much money, you can spend a fraction of the cost to rent one from a fork truck hire company, saving a lot of money, money in many cases that simply is not there to spend anyway.
Forktruck Solutions website has a great range of articles relating to fork truck parts.
These are also very large items that require a proper storage location. Storage can represent almost as serious a problem as finding the funds to purchase one of these things. And if you cannot protect such a large investment, you really have no business buying it.
Those who buy equipment are primarily responsible for maintaining and keeping them in good working order. However, when you use a fork truck hire, if a problem arises, you can simply call the rental company. They will immediately come out and perform the proper repairs, or if necessary, even offer a replacement truck, free of charge.
Renting is so convenient. Many prefer renting simply for the convenience factor if nothing else. You pay the fee, and the company will deliver the truck at the time you specify. When you are finished, they will come back and pick it up. The process could not be simpler, and you do not have to worry about forking out a lot of money or worrying about storing or repairing a large piece of equipment that you may not need to use often anyway.
Are you looking for forklift parts? Take a look at Forktruck Solutions website for a great range and for more informtion.
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Monday, September 12, 2011
What To Look For In a Forklift Hire Company & Forklift Parts Explained
What To Look For In a Forklift Hire Company & Forklift Parts Explained
Searching for a forklift hire company is a very important decision to make because you will be working with this company on an ongoing basis. It is important to choose a reliable forklift hire company for your forktruck needs because in most organizations you cannot operate without one. Here is a look at what to look out for when you are deciding which forklift hire company to go with.
Forklift Hire Customer Reviews – asking the forklift hire company their level of service is a good place to start but of course you will receive a biased response. A great way of knowing for sure the ins and outs of the company's service and the quality of the forklift trucks is to ask for customer reviews and testimonials. Most companies will be able to provide you with several customer reviews and their contact details so you have the option of contacting them directly to ask any question you wish.
Contract Terms – before committing to any forklift hire company be sure to read the contract and the terms thoroughly. It is a common mistake to read a quotation quickly, check the price is right, and then sign a deal but this can lead to hassle down the line. Even if you are not sure what you are looking for exactly within the contract be sure to take some time out and read it and understand it, this process will bring certain items to your attention that might not fit you requirements.
Easy To Get Hold Of Past The Sales – you may have wound your forklift hire company choice down to 2 or 3 organisations. A great way of making your final decision is to ensure that the after sales level of service is as good as the sales service. Try and contact the company via the customer help lines or emails and see what their process is and how long it takes them to get back to you. The forefront of many companies are great but once you are a customer their level of service dips somewhat. Be sure you choose a company where this does not happen.
If you are searching for forklift parts Forktruck Solutions has a great range and loads more informtion and articles.
Forklift Parts Explained
Forklift trucks are pivotal pieces of machinery in many different avenues of business including warehouses and distribution centres, storage handling businesses, industrial plants, and more. There are hundreds of parts that make up a forklift truck such as the cab, the power source, the carriage, the attachments, the engines, the wheels, etc. Here is a closer look at some of those forklift parts.
Forklift Engine – the power source of the forklift truck is situated at the back of the forklift truck. Depending on the type of forklift truck will depend on the type of engine that is situated at the power source for example a fork truck may have an internal combustion engine that can be powered by LP gas, CNG gas, gasoline or diesel. Electric forklifts are powered by a battery or fuel cells that provides power to the electric motors.
Truck Frame – this part is probably the most important of all the forklift parts put together because it is the core of the fork truck. The truck frame is the base of the machine which attaches all the other forklift parts including the mast, axles, wheels, counterweight, overhead guard and power source. The frame may have fuel and hydraulic fluid tanks constructed as part of the frame assembly.
Counterweight Forklift Parts – the counterweight part is to balance out the machine. It is a cast iron mass which is attached the backend of the forklift truck to counterbalance forklift truck frame so it doesn't tip over when the forklift truck has a heavy load on the front. In an electric forklift the large lead-acid battery itself may serve as part of the counterweight.
The Cab Area – this area of the tuck contains many forklift parts within it. The cab area is where the operator sits and drives the machine and operates the forks. The cab has the steering wheel and control, the seats, the pedals, levers, switches, and a dashboard containing operator readouts. Depending on the type of forklift truck will depend on whether the cab area is open aired or closed.
Clark provides forklift and warehouse equipment to suit any application. Our range offers outstanding value for money combined with the quality, experience and commitment to customer care you would expect from the company that invented the forklift.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Used Forklifts Advantages
We endlessly hunt for details regarding new information on industrial forklifts. We have enclosed an article that we anticipate you would find intriguing.
Used Forklifts Advantages
Forklifts are definitely the workhorse of the industrial complex and they are often found around distribution centers, warehouses, shipyards, construction sites and any other place that needs moving large and heavy loads. The versions were familiar with have been around since the 1920's and still have been improved upon through the years. They are also called sideloaders, fork truck, lift truck or even a trailer loader as well as other other names.
Used forklifts are a great alternative to buying new which enable it to save a business or individual a good deal money. They are usually well-maintained due to their cost and high resale value let alone for safety reasons too! There are numerous web sites and possibly locally to acquire one to use.
There are numerous points to consider when making an order. They may be powered by diesel, gasoline, propane or batteries that will require a charge. According to the use or if you will be running it indoors or outdoors and costs of operation will determine what fuel source you will use.
If you're running on solid or very flat surfaces such as concrete or asphalt solid tires will probably be a great choice. If one is around a construction site or on uneven surfaces you will likely be planning to use pneumatic tires. The sort of loading and lifting may also have a very factor.
There are lots of forms of attachments designed for various kinds of lifting. Sideshifters allow an operator to move the forks laterally as opposed to having to move the18 wheeler. A man basket is a that is utilized to lift workers and their equipment. You'll find pole attachments for moving rolls of carpet or large rolls of paper. Telescopic forks allow an operator to put loads deeper on the shelf. This is just among all the different attachments there are many more.
Though forklifts are certainly not that tough to operate one should be aware many issues of safety that will arise with unstable loads. A lot more companies are requiring not only training but certification so an operator has an understanding of safe operation. One must always know about the hazards and perils of moving large heavy loads in a variety of environments.
If you opt to buy new, refurbished or used forklifts you at least have a very basic knowledge of this workhouse. Associated with you shop around and in addition find what power source you will want, forms of tires and attachments you will want. Another important factor could be the weight from the load and they really have various load ratings which means you must also take that into account if you look around.
Before you buy check out used forklifts and save money.
Enjoying the good things in life and health acai berry juice
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
News: Starting to bear fruit
Here is another news item that we at Industrial Forklift though you would find thought-provoking. Industrial Forklifts constantly on the look out for news on the use of industrial forklifts in our world.
Be sure and investigate the complete post if you want to experience more.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Truck Driving Job: Now is the Time
Truck Driving Job: Now is the Time
In this time of struggling economy, finding a job is quite a difficult task. Many employers are no longer hiring new employees to their company; some are even laying off their employees in order for them to survive in the business and this results to loss of jobs and unemployment that makes the life of people more difficult. Sometimes, even if there's job available, the problem is the matching of an individual's qualifications to the needed qualifications for the work available.
But people should stop worrying now because despite the situation, there are still some industries that do not stop in hiring people for their company and continue on giving opportunities for a qualified individual. One of this is the trucking industry. Trucking companies is in consistent adding of work force to their company because the demand for truck driving jobs is consistently rising too. Many other industries rely on trucking industry for their business to keep on running.
Now, if you are a qualified driver with a CDL (commercial driver's license) finding a job is not difficult at all. There are lots of reliable and good paying companies who are on look for you. These companies offer competitive compensation packages as well as great benefits. You can easily find these trucking companies in your cities and for more easier find, you can just go surfing on line. There are lots of internet sites that offers great find of trucking companies that might fit to your needs and qualifications.
But what really awaits a truck driver? Being on truck driving job offers generous salary like what I have mentioned already and offer great benefits as well. A truck driver can actually earn about , 000 - , 000 annually or even higher depends on their trucking experience and the type of trucking job that they have. That's why having an endorsements to drive specialized trucks are also important to get better trucking job and salary. This is already a great amount to provide for your family. Aside from that, there truck driving job also offers flexibility on time of work and a privilege to travel in different places for free.
So again, if you think you can drive those huge trucks and are ready to earn well, why not start taking your step into truck driving job. If you already have your CDL, everything will be a lot easier, trucking companies are just waiting for you. If you don't have your CDL yet, you should get it now, just remember to be wise in choosing a CDL school to train with to be sure of getting a good company to work for and get a great truck driving experience. Don't wait long, now is the time to start building a career!
If you are looking for a truck driver jobs today, Jobs For is the only stop you need to make. Truck Drivers can compare truck driving jobs from carriers in their area or across the country.
Article from
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
Hot "forklifts" News - Europe to help in 'going green'
Europe to help in 'going green'
KUALA LUMPUR: Europe wants to help Malaysia in its "going green" efforts including building blocks of "green" logistics network.
Read more on Business Times
Italian Court Approves Sale of CVS Assets to Manitex International, Inc.
Manitex International, Inc. , a leading provider of engineered lifting solutions including boom truck cranes, rough terrain forklifts, container handling equipment and special mission oriented vehicles, today announced that its Italian subsidiary, CVS Ferrari srl, had received Italian Court approval to acquire certain assets of CVS SpA under the Italian bankruptcy law.
Read more on PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Picnic a chance for army reservists to get acquainted
Picnickers partying at Sandy Creek Park punted volleyballs, dunked basketballs, played chess and ate fried chicken - typical activities for a family reunion.
Read more on Athens Banner-Herald
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Lastest "forklift" News - Car wedged in van by Kakakhstan pair to take new vehicle 2,200 miles
Image by Tom Olliver
A forklift truck waits patently on the other side of the watertight door.
Car wedged in van by Kakakhstan pair to take new vehicle 2,200 miles
The men, from Kazakhstan, the home of Borat, supported their new silver Mazda 626 on a mattress, as they drove it back from Bargteheide, Germany.
Read more on Daily Mail
NREL to Showcase Fuel Cell Kia Borrego
The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will showcase a Kia Borrego fuel cell electric vehicle and a Mitsubishi i-MiEV electric vehicle June 17, 18, and 19 at Bandimere Speedway in Morrison, Colorado.
Read more on Fuel Cell Today
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Hot "forklift" News - St. Louis Co. man dies after getting caught in compactor
St. Louis Co. man dies after getting caught in compactor
UPDATED at 11:40 a.m. Monday with new detail from police sergeant.
Read more on St. Louis Post-Dispatch
LeBron, like it or not, now must take different kind of heat
Now America can rejoice. LeBron James and the Miami Heat were found finally dead, two wins from a championship, writes Martin Fennelly.
Read more on The Tampa Tribune
Storage building goes up in flames at grain and feed store
MCGREGOR - A storage unit at a grain and feed store goes up in flames causing Main Street to be shut down.
Read more on KXXV Waco
To avoid Accidents Related to Lifts Trucks ? Some Precautions
Industrial Forklifts perpetually try information regarding new information on industrial forklifts. We have enclosed an article that we believe you would find amusing.
To avoid Accidents Related to Lifts Trucks ? Some Precautions
If you are planning to set up a business which deals with handling heavy materials, then you should begin by purchasing heavy material handling equipments. Among the various equipments required in this industry, the lift trucks are essential equipments which you should purchase. This equipment is vital in the industry because they are used to lift and carry loads around the work place. They can also be used in construction sites to lift and carry heavy loads from one site to the other. Before, you purchase the lift trucks there are many things which you should keep in mind.
According to a recent survey about these equipments it has been discovered that about 1-2% of accidents recorded in the worksite are due to the malfunction of the lift trucks. The accidents caused to the workers are quite fatal. So, extra precaution should be taken by the operator of these equipments when he is transporting goods from one site to the other. The best method to avoid these accidents from taking place is by providing proper training to the workers about these equipments.
The workers in the construction sites should be made aware of all the dangers involved when they are using lift trucks. This can be done by giving them a short and simple training class. Besides the operator of this equipment, other workers in the site should also be aware of the dangers involved. The best way to do this is to inform the workers on the site whenever these equipments are being operated.
The lift trucks should follow a particular speed and velocity limit whenever they are used. Try not to exceed the limit of the equipment as this may lead to disastrous happenings. Moving this equipment with a normal speed helps the operator to maneuver through the construction site without any difficulty. Along with this equipment, the pallet stacker is mostly used in warehouses and heavy material handling industries. It is used to lift and transport palletized loads or crates from one place to the other.
There are several features of the pallet stacker that makes it a useful addition to any warehouse. One of the most distinct features of this equipment is its adjustable forks. These forks are designed to support a standard pallet base. Since these forks can be separated up to a distance of 37 inches, they can even lift massive sized objects like drums and crates. In spite of this feature the pallet stacker is quite small in size. With their small size and a set of powered wheels they are quite easy to maneuver in confined spaces.
In the pallet stacker, power is supplied from the onboard batteries that can be charged through a standard AC supply. This will be sufficient to perform all the tasks required of them. This equipment can lift weight up to a maximum height of 60 inches making it ideal for raising items for the workers to work on them. Since the method used to operate the pallet stacker is very simple, even a new employee can operate it without having any problems. He can easily lift and carry goods safely within the premises without causing any difficulty to the other workers.
Issac Gates is an mechanical engineering who is working for an construction company. He has good knowledge on lift trucks & pallet stacker. For more information he recommends to visit
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Breaking "forklifts" News - Kroger faces opposition to proposed store on Main Street in Royal Oak
Forklift Delivery
Image by ericmerrill
The new forklift arrives at i3 Detroit.
Kroger faces opposition to proposed store on Main Street in Royal Oak
ROYAL OAK — Jason and Nikki Martinez met while working at a Trader Joe's in Tucson, Ariz., got married and bought their first home on Pingree Boulevard in October.
Read more on Royal Oak Daily Tribune
ID-Only Shopping Encourages Wal-Mart to Open Stores in India
Wal-Mart Stores Inc., blocked from opening retail outlets in India, is reaching consumers in the world's second second-most populous nation by supplying their stores and restaurants.
Read more on BusinessWeek
Monday, June 13, 2011
Current "forklifts" News - Watchdog: A model for nuclear waste disposal in New Mexico
Watchdog: A model for nuclear waste disposal in New Mexico
A half-mile under the flat, scrubby desert in southeastern New Mexico, a warren of rectangular chambers is chiseled into a 250 million-year-old salt formation. For the last dozen years, forklifts have been filling these tombs with radioactive waste left over from the country's efforts to build nuclear bombs.
Read more on Battle Creek Enquirer
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Current "forklift" News - Deaths
Read more on Tulsa World
OCS researching new PE facility options
Opp students may soon get a new physical education facility. At Thursday's board meeting, the board gave attorney Wesley Laird the authority to work out a deal to sell a portion of the South Highlands Elementary School property.
Read more on The Andalusia Star-News
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Forklifts-- A brief Introduction
Industrial Forklifts continuously strive news regarding new information on forklifts. We have enclosed an article that I believe you would find compelling.
Forklifts-- A brief Introduction
For moving heavy objects, one will have to have a team of strong boys. However, their lifting capacity ha a full stop too. Therefore, for lifting tremendous amount of wait, an equipment, known as Forklifts was invented.
Equipment, which is capable of lifting thousands of pounds at a time, is known as Forklift. Nowadays, Forklift have become indispensable equipment for a manufacturing company. Forklifts have curtailed the human efforts significantly. Forklifts are commonly used in railway stations and ports. Moreover, forklifts are also very common in ware houses.
At 20th century, Forklifts were made, when Americans were in a period of rapid industrialization. After 2nd world war, forklifts become a crucial part of industries as they were very keenly used to carry military goods.
Various kinds of forklifts are Walkie stacker, Pne umatic tire, Electric narrow isle, Used Rough terrain forklift, Cushion tire. Some renowned manufacturers of forklifts are:
Crown Equipment Corporation
Jungheinrich AG
NACCO Industries
Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America
Some important components of forklifts are
Load Back Rest - is a rack-like extension that is welded in order to avert the load from shifting backward when the carriage is lifted to full height.
Counterweight- A counterweight is added to the machine to make the forklift more weighty which disable the machine to tumble.
Overhead Guard - is a metallic roof endorsed by posts at each side of the cab that assists protect the operator from any falling objects.
Other important components of forklifts are Power Source Mast Carriage Cab Truck Frame.
Forklifts can be categorized into three categories.
- Electric forklifts
- Diesel-powered forklifts
- Gasoline-powered forklifts
Electric forklifts are operated by batteries and are not capable of lifting extremely heavy objects. Nevertheless, they are free from noise and do not expel any poisonous gas.
Diesel and gasoline-powered forklifts can carry more load as compared to the electric forklifts and are more powerful, however, they are not economic friendly as they pass off a lot of carbon.
While operating a Forklift, one important factor that has to be kept in mind is forklift is weighty, and it would turnover if the load forklift is lifting is heavier than the forklift.
Hello, This is John. I am writing articles on different topics since one year. This is my article on Forklifts. Hope you will like it.
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Hot "forklift" News - Horse trailer driver acquitted of animal cruelty
Horse trailer driver acquitted of animal cruelty
The horses were in such bad shape that two of them had to be euthanized by the time the trailer they were riding in reached Salina, but their condition was not the fault of the driver.
Read more on Salina Journal
Mission Joplin
JOPLIN, MO. --A group of volunteers drove 24 hours to help with Joplin's tornado relief efforts.
Read more on KSN - KODE Joplin
DJ Campbell: England's players do not know the real meaning of being tired
DJ Campbell admitted he was 'baffled' when he heard about England's tired footballers. The Blackpool striker, 29, was a latecomer to the professional game having juggled non-league football with the demands of a full-time job until he left Yeading for Brentford in 2005.
Read more on Daily Mail
Friday, June 10, 2011
Breaking "forklift" News - Boston Apparel faces 300 layoffs; Taunton location prepares to close doors
Forklift Delivery
Image by ericmerrill
The new forklift arrives at i3 Detroit.
Boston Apparel faces 300 layoffs; Taunton location prepares to close doors
A well-known mail-order women's clothing retailer in Taunton is preparing to shut down. Layoffs of the entire workforce of more than 300 employees at the former Chadwicks of Boston facility in the Myles Standish Industrial Park will begin later this month, according to warning letters sent out to workers on Monday.
Read more on Easton Journal
DJ blasts Lions' tired excuse
DJ Campbell is baffled by England's footballers moans about being tired
Read more on The Sun
Monday, June 6, 2011
Lastest "forklift" News - Ribbon-cutting ceremony held for ‘one of a kind’ facility
Ribbon-cutting ceremony held for 'one of a kind' facility
On Tuesday, May 24, state and local officials gathered for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the site of the new Louisville Transload Facility. The Transload Facility is the rail spur the city developed to attract industry and service existing industry.
Read more on Winston County Journal
Exide Forecast 60 Percent Growth in Profits
By ABN . Exide Technologies ( XIDE ), a global leader in stored electrical energy solutions, announced on June 1 its fiscal 2011 fourth-quarter and full-year financial results for the period ended March 31, 2011. Read more » »
Read more on Guru Focus
Saturday, May 21, 2011
New Conference And Return To The Capital Heavy Crane Mainstream Market
We endlessly on the look out for details regarding new information on industrial lift trucks. We have enclosed an article that I expect you would find interesting.
New Conference And Return To The Capital Heavy Crane Mainstream Market
Beijing Heavy capital Machinery Co., Ltd. is a Beijing Electrical Holdings Co., Ltd. Beijing's professional engineering machinery and equipment manufacturing and service providers, through restructuring, then, materialized in 2006 to conduct operations. Heavy duty raised the capital, implementation, efficiency, value management concept, the full development of competitive new products, the first-class and professional manufacturer and supplier of construction machinery and equipment forward. August 6, 2009, the capital of Beijing for the Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd., is a symbolic significance of the day. "Return to the mainstream market, to create the capital brilliant?? Beijing Jingcheng Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. Truck Crane New conference "in Beijing held a grand hotel north hair.
New release?? QY8D and QY12D truck crane (HC Engineering Machinery Network distribution map)
The event invited the China Construction Machinery Association Han Xuesong, deputy secretary general Lin, Yong-by Air Force representatives and other guests, as well as the original crane plant manager Liu Wentai Beijing, Beijing Heavy Industries chairman and managing director Su Jie, Party secretary Du Yuexi and other leaders, including Proxy Business, customers, including a total of 240 people attended the event, invited HC full course of construction machinery network coverage. Cranes return to the mainstream market
8 6 10 am Beijing Jingcheng Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the capital Heavy Industries) truck crane new conference formally convened. First, party secretary of Beijing Heavy Du Yuexi speech, he said, Beijing Heavy gradually developed new products include: 20 tons to 75 tons truck crane; 25 tons to 55 tons of wheeled crane; 22 meters to 38 meters Aerial Work Platform . This release of QY8D and QY12D Heavy Truck Crane is independent R & D capital, the inherited basis of the original brand, has been upgraded with all-terrain truck crane's structural characteristics. Products remain the leading index based on the technology, performance and appearance have also been vastly improved, and further enhance the competitiveness of their products. In addition, QY55A and QAY55A cranes in Beijing in October this year, construction machinery exhibition launch, mass production next year.
Heavy Beijing party secretary Du Yuexi (HC Engineering Machinery Network distribution map)
Subsequently, Su Jie, chairman of Beijing Heavy short powerful speech shook the hearts of all those present to convey a firm belief in the industry: "We're back!" Said Su Jie ringing: Heavy adhering to the old capital of the north manufacturing capabilities and reputation under the historical accumulation, after years of relocation, restructuring, adjustment, reform, joint venture, go hand in hand with the joint venture, joint learning, to achieve higher production capacity. Heavy capital by the conference, therefore, pledge to you: "We are back to the main crane construction machinery market."
Su Jie, chairman of Beijing Heavy Industries (HC Engineering Machinery Network distribution map)
Said Su Jie, Beijing Beijing Heavy as a professional production of construction machinery company, through integration of assets, the current healthy state of being continuous development and progress. In this process, in addition to good internal strength Heavy outside the capital, but also with foreign Cooperation Made the process a lot of experience in the hope that heavy industry products to the capital of China's crane manufacturing technology to bring new weather. In addition, Beijing has just won superior shareholder Heavy crane their development strategy to speed up approval, in the "Eleventh Five-Year" end, there will be 400 million yuan investment, to support the Beijing Heavy crane technology R & D and product launches. In the "12 5" will be carried out during the overall investment, the amount of one billion.
Long history of innovation Beijing Heavy
Marketing Liang Yanjun, director of speech in three parts: history, current work and can look forward to the future. By Liang Yanjun's about, I understand the origins of the capital Heavy quite extraordinary. Heavy Industries, the predecessor of Beijing Beijing crane plant was founded in 1949, the same age with the new China, its history, there's a history: in 1957 the birth of the first crane; successful trial in 1960, 100 tons of bridge crane; in 1968 designed and manufactured in China The first successful trial of hydraulic cranes; in 1970 the first export of hydraulic cranes; in 1976 the largest tonnage of 100 tons truck crane trial successful; in 1982 with the Japanese co-production of 35 tons over the field and 50 tons truck crane; 1983, and the United States GROVE Company co-production of 25 tons off-road tire cranes; over 1000 units in 1993 Nianchan truck crane ... ...
HC Engineering Machinery Network original article, reproduced, please specify the source - HC Engineering Machinery Network.
I am an expert from China Auto Suppliers, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as silicone bracelets in , angel skin coral.
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Breaking "forklift" News - Cops arrest driver who totaled cruiser
Cops arrest driver who totaled cruiser
Buffalo Police have arrested the driver who smashed into a parked car, an unoccupied police cruiser, and a forklift on Niagara near Amherst just after 12:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Read more on WIVB Buffalo
Japan Nuclear Disaster Update 24: Reactor 1 did melt down, fission and cooling remain issues, worker dies, sarcophagi ...
The worker's death was probably unrelated to the nuclear disaster, but it can't help moral much at the crippled site. Fission and cooling still remain issues at the Fukushima plant. Although fission is not happening to any large degree, or possibly at all, there has been fission more recently than many expected, and there is still concern that the reaction could restart. Various attempts at ...
Read more on ScienceBlogs
Hugg & Hall Equipment Buys Arkla Taylor Dealer in Louisiana
Hugg & Hall Equipment Co. of Little Rock acquires Arkla Taylor of Ruston, La., a Taylor Forklift dealer with operations in Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri.
Read more on Arkansas Business
From Sun Magazine: Weekend escape on the Severn
The Weiss family coastal retreat isn't at the beach, but only miles from home on the banks of the Severn When the Weiss family dreams of escape, a breezy vacation with water, boat rides and luxurious views, they can be kicking their shoes off within 40 minutes.
Read more on Baltimore Sun
News: HILO-Yale Industrial Trucks Acquires Viccaro Equipment
Here is another news blurb that Industrial Forklift though you would find thought-provoking. Industrial Forklifts forever work info on the use of industrial forklifts in our world.
Be sure and check out the full news source if you desire to know more.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Current "forklift" News - Friday’s Prep Scoreboard
Friday's Prep Scoreboard
Softball Northwest 3A District Tournament, Sedro-Woolley 8, Mount Vernon 4 Northwest 3A District Tournament, Sedro-Woolley 6, Glacier Peak 4 Northwest 2A District Tournament,…
Read more on Skagit Valley Herald
Hugg & Hall Equipment Buys Arkla Taylor Dealer in Louisiana
Hugg & Hall Equipment Co. of Little Rock acquires Arkla Taylor of Ruston, La., a Taylor Forklift dealer with operations in Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri.
Read more on Arkansas Business
From Sun Magazine: Weekend escape on the Severn
The Weiss family coastal retreat isn't at the beach, but only miles from home on the banks of the Severn When the Weiss family dreams of escape, a breezy vacation with water, boat rides and luxurious views, they can be kicking their shoes off within 40 minutes.
Read more on Baltimore Sun
News: Coxreels Expands Its Manufacturing Capabilities
Here is another news blurb that we at Industrial Forklift though you would find amusing. Industrial Forklifts perpetually search for details on the use of industrial forklifts in our surrondings.
Be sure and investigate the full post if you want to know more.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Commercial Auto Insurance for your Truck
Commercial Auto Insurance for your Truck
Insurance has turn out to be a necessity on this unpredictable world we dwell in. insurance coverage offers monetary coverage if one thing bad were to happen. In this article I will likely be speaking about truck insurance.
For a lot of truck homeowners it's a daunting job in terms of purchasing good truck insurance. On this article I will probably be overlaying fundamentals about the kinds of truck insurance coverage and the way one can get a cheaper quote on their insurance coverage policy.
There are a variety of autos which fall underneath the category of a truck, for instance the tractor trailers, the straight vans, the pickup and tow trucks, so on and so forth. However when it comes to truck insurance coverage, truck homeowners can purchase a industrial insurance coverage which can cover any vehicle which falls underneath the class of truck. The industrial insurance coverage might be bought by homeowners having a single vehicle or organizations proudly owning a fleet of trucks.
Industrial truck insurance is carefully just like the private car insurance policy. It provides coverage towards any injury to the automobile attributable to accident or resulting from vandalism; it additionally offers protection against hearth accidents, thefts and third social gathering legal responsibility protection. One of these insurance might be purchased from any insurance broker by providing minimal details and it is the bare minimal necessity with the intention to drive a truck on the road.
However industrial vans are used for a lot of business associated activities. Therefore there are what is named specialized truck insurance coverage, which not solely provides protection for the car but in addition provides extra coverage for the business which is been conducted using the vehicle.
For novices the most basic type of specialized insurance plan is the motor truck cargo plan. This plan offers all the essential protection obligatory for the truck and it additionally provides protection towards damage, loss or theft of the cargo which is being transported by the truck. Homeowners can both buy this insurance for a complete yr or they'll buy it for a restricted interval relying on the character of their business.
The most effective place to buy any type of insurance coverage is online sites. There are a lot of web sites which provide detailed details about numerous varieties of truck insurance offered by main insurance coverage providers. In order to entry the information truck homeowners have to enter some fundamental info and soon they will be directed to the listing of insurance policies which go well with their needs.
Moreover many corporations provide a huge rebate and discount on premium quantity of the coverage whether it is bought online. This may help new truck owners get a cheap fee on their truck insurance.
To know more about Commercial Auto Insurance Please visit at-
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Why are guys so obsessed with their cars?? Do you agree with me?
I forever work information regarding new information on forklifts. Here is an important question that I expect you would find amusing.
Question by ashley: Why are guys so obsessed with their cars?? Do you agree with me?
Ok so my boyfriend and I are moving my brother across the state. My bf has a pickup truck and we fit all my brother's stuff into the back of it. All that's left is my brother's four wheeler. I was like "oh, perfect. We can put it up on the roof of the truck." And my bf was like "nooo way it will look stupid" because he thinks a truck is a manly vehicle that stands tall and it would look stupid with a four wheeler on the roof. Well his truck is an extended cab and the four wheeler would sit perfectly on the roof. And it's a small four wheeler that all of us could lift up there and tie on. What is with guys and their freaking cars??
Best answer:
Answer by Matthew
im a guy and im not obsessed with cars. I dont even know the name of the car my dad is driving. The only thing i know about car is it needs gas, you need to change the tire when it's flat etc.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Be sure and check out all the questions in articles.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Forklift Hire and Medical Standards
We perpetually seek news regarding new information on industrial fork trucks. We have enclosed an article that I expect you would find entertaining.
Forklift Hire and Medical Standards
Any employee or operator using a forktruck hire company for their forklift should be aware of the medical standards that are required of them. Many operations require the use of a fork lift truck in some cases the whole working progress of specific business relies on the use of a fork lift truck such as distribution or in retail for example. Fork trucks are potentially very dangerous pieces of equipment and so the proper training must be given and health safety regulations are to be strictly followed. The HSG6 booklet states that all employees and operators of a fork lift truck must be screened for fitness before employment and at regular intervals thereafter in middle age to ensure their health remains a high standard. An examination should take place at the age of 40 and thereafter at five-yearly intervals up to the age of 65 is recommended. When an employee reaches over 65 an examination should be conducted every year. Fork Lift Trucks and Sickness Not only do regular scheduled checks need to be carried out but if an operator or employee becomes sick or an accident occurs which means the employee is absent for more than one month then a further check up is recommended before they start back at work. This is to ensure that the sickness or accident has not affected the employee so much so that they can no longer operate the fork lift truck in the appropriate manner. A person operating a fork lift truck who is not physically fit can cause injury to others around them and to themselves. Any employer who is in doubt of an employee's health standard who is operating a fork lift truck should request for that employee to get checked over.
Any employee or operator using a forktruck hire company for their forklift should be aware of the medical standards that are required of them. Many operations require the use of a fork lift truck in some cases the whole working progress of specific business relies on the use of a fork lift truck such as distribution or in retail for example. Fork trucks are potentially very dangerous pieces of equipment and so the proper training must be given and health safety regulations are to be strictly followed.
The HSG6 booklet states that all employees and operators of a fork lift truck must be screened for fitness before employment and at regular intervals thereafter in middle age to ensure their health remains a high standard. An examination should take place at the age of 40 and thereafter at five-yearly intervals up to the age of 65 is recommended. When an employee reaches over 65 an examination should be conducted every year.
Fork Lift Trucks and Sickness
Not only do regular scheduled checks need to be carried out but if an operator or employee becomes sick or an accident occurs which means the employee is absent for more than one month then a further check up is recommended before they start back at work. This is to ensure that the sickness or accident has not affected the employee so much so that they can no longer operate the fork lift truck in the appropriate manner.
A person operating a fork lift truck who is not physically fit can cause injury to others around them and to themselves. Any employer who is in doubt of an employee's health standard who is operating a fork lift truck should request for that employee to get checked over.
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Current "forklift" News - Welding linked to winery blast
Welding linked to winery blast
A blast that killed two men at a NSW winery three years ago may have been triggered by someone welding.
Read more on BigPond News
Tigers pitcher Brad Penny grumpy on mound, but likeable off it
Sift through notes on Penny, extracted from a half-hour chat, and it's as if a river levee broke. You wonder if this informational flood is the product of one player or seven guys combined.
Read more on Detroit News
OSHA Fines VESTAS 4K For Nov. 2010 'Incidents'
The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also known as OSHA, has fined Pueblo's VESTAS plant with one willful and 23 serious safety and health violations.
Read more on KRDO Colorado Springs
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Forktruck Hire
Forktruck Hire
Depending on your type of business will depend on your how much you require and how often you will use a fork lift truck. Distribution companies use fork lifts on a regular basis and so they'll probably find it more economical for them to purchase their own fork lift rather than paying out for a hire one. Other companies such as in the retail industry may require a fork lift but on a sporadic basis such as in busy periods over Christmas thus owning their own fork lift truck may mean they pay out more for it over the year than they actually use it. If this is the case it may be in the company's best interest to use a fork truck hire company and hire a fork lift as and when they need one. How to Hire a Fork Lift Many companies out there today specialize in sourcing fork lift trucks and renting them to other companies. A great way to find a fork lift hire company in your area is to look on the Internet. Simply go to Google or Yahoo and type in the keyword 'forktruck hire' or a term similar '+ your location' and a whole list of relating websites will be shown on screen. All you have to do is go through the websites available and contact the companies individually for your quotation. In order for the forklift hire companies to give you an accurate quotation they will need to know how long you will need to rent the fork lift for, the amount of fork lifts you'll need, specific requirements of the fork lift i.e. how they will be used, how much weight they will be required to carry and so on. On receiving this information the fork truck hire company will be able to give you correct prices and information regarding your fork lift hire. The greatest advantage to hiring a fork lift oppose to owning your own is that the forklift hire company takes care of everything for you. If you owned a fork lift truck you would have to pay for maintenance, repairs, and new parts, whereas using a hire fork lift you can simply use the machine when you need it and then give it back at the end of the day.
Depending on your type of business will depend on your how much you require and how often you will use a fork lift truck. Distribution companies use fork lifts on a regular basis and so they'll probably find it more economical for them to purchase their own fork lift rather than paying out for a hire one.
Other companies such as in the retail industry may require a fork lift but on a sporadic basis such as in busy periods over Christmas thus owning their own fork lift truck may mean they pay out more for it over the year than they actually use it. If this is the case it may be in the company's best interest to use a fork truck hire company and hire a fork lift as and when they need one.
How to Hire a Fork Lift
Many companies out there today specialize in sourcing fork lift trucks and renting them to other companies. A great way to find a fork lift hire company in your area is to look on the Internet. Simply go to Google or Yahoo and type in the keyword 'forktruck hire' or a term similar '+ your location' and a whole list of relating websites will be shown on screen. All you have to do is go through the websites available and contact the companies individually for your quotation. In order for the forklift hire companies to give you an accurate quotation they will need to know how long you will need to rent the fork lift for, the amount of fork lifts you'll need, specific requirements of the fork lift i.e. how they will be used, how much weight they will be required to carry and so on. On receiving this information the fork truck hire company will be able to give you correct prices and information regarding your fork lift hire.
The greatest advantage to hiring a fork lift oppose to owning your own is that the forklift hire company takes care of everything for you. If you owned a fork lift truck you would have to pay for maintenance, repairs, and new parts, whereas using a hire fork lift you can simply use the machine when you need it and then give it back at the end of the day.
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Monday, May 9, 2011
Lastest "forklift" News - Who won The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business?
Who won The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business?
SPOILER ALERT: The following story reveals the winners of The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business.
Read more on Channel 8 San Diego
Scrap-yard horror death
An elderly man died yesterday in a horrific accident at a Brooklyn scrap metal business, cops said. The 75-year-old man — whose name is being withheld pending family notification — was crushed to death at about 3 p.m. when a forklift pinned him against a trash compactor at Plakos Scrap Processing...
Read more on New York Post
Fremont: Firefighters rescue man trapped beneath forklift
A 50-year-old employee at Wintec Industries had his leg completely trapped beneath the forklift's wheel well area. He suffered severe injuries.
Read more on Contra Costa Times
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Lastest "forklift" News - Overland Storage Continues to Gain Worldwide Momentum with One of the Industry’s Largest Product Deployment Footprints
Overland Storage Continues to Gain Worldwide Momentum with One of the Industry's Largest Product Deployment Footprints
LONDON--(BUSINESSWIRE)-- Recently Introduced SnapServer, SnapSAN, NEO Solutions and Continued Channel Commitment Receive Broad Partner and Customer Acceptance Overland Storage , the trusted ...
Read more on Business Wire Finance Press Releases UK via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance
Forklifts targeted in blitz
Alberta's occupational health and safety ministry issued more than 200 word orders after a month-long inspection of forklifts and other powered mobile equipment.
Read more on CNews
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Lastest "forklift" News - Portland's Esco Corp., private for generations, plans to go public with $175 million IPO
Portland's Esco Corp., private for generations, plans to go public with 5 million IPO
The initial public offering would end a seven-year drought in private Oregon companies listing on stock exchanges to sell shares
Read more on The Oregonian
Drilling contractor killed in Smyrna accident
SMYRNA – The Chenango County Sheriff's Office is currently investigating the death of a 23 year old man from West Virginia that occurred on Sunday. The victim, Charles Bevins 3rd from Buckhannon, West Virginia, was employed by Braden Drilling from Buckhannon.
Read more on The Evening Sun
Langley man finds egg-onomic opportunity
After years in the heavy equipment field, he's going into the egg business abroad.
Read more on Langley AdvanceNews
Detroit autoworker-caterer wins 'America's Next Great Restaurant' on NBC
Jamawn (Jay) Woods changed his theme from chicken wings and waffles to a more complete menu of healthier soul-food dishes. / ANDRE J. JACKSON/Detroit Free Press
Read more on Asheville Citizen-Times
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Counterbalance Lift Truck ? Equipment worth Investing In
Industrial Forklifts blog repeatedly try intelligence regarding new information on industrial lifts. We have enclosed an article that I thought you would find thought-provoking.
Counterbalance Lift Truck ? Equipment worth Investing In
In the heavy material handling industry there are many types of equipment that are needed to get the work done. One such equipment is the counterbalance lift truck. As the name suggest, these equipments are used extensively in the industry to lift and carry loads from one place to the other which is not possible for a human to do. Since these equipments are used to carry heavy loads in the industry, they are quite heavily built. You may need to invest quite a very large amount of money if you want to purchase a counterbalance lift truck.
Purchasing a counterbalance lift truck may burn a hole in your pocket but it will be worth it because these heavy equipments have the strength to bear the heavy weights of the pallet. Quick and efficient functioning of these equipments has made them an essential part of the industry. But, before you purchase these trucks, there are some points which you should keep in mind. These suggestions will help you to make the best investment possible so that later you will not regret buying the equipment that does not meet your satisfaction.
Since this counterbalance lift truck is used to lift and carry loads in an industry, the first and important point you should consider when purchasing it is its load capacity. You will want to purchase equipments which can carry an excessive amount of load rather than the one which collapses under too much pressure. These equipments are available in various sizes depending on the capacity of load it can carry. Depending on your requirement, choose the truck which will be appropriate for your industry.
Besides these, you should also check the placement of the fork on the counterbalance lift truck. Since all the lifting and carrying of the load is done by the forks, you should carefully check these to avoid any trouble in the future. These above mentioned suggestions will also be useful if you are purchasing a second hand forklift. One of the benefits of purchasing a used forklift is that you can get it in half the price when compared to buying new equipment. One of the most important things to do when purchasing any used items is to check every nook and corner of the equipment. It is simply a loss to buy a used forklift whose maintenance charges are much more compared to the amount you initially purchased.
You should visit a reputed dealer when you are planning to buy a second hand forklift. If you purchase from reputed dealers then you don't have to worry about the condition of the equipment. They will sell you the equipment which is in good condition because if they sell damaged machines then they can loose their future customers. If someone you know has purchased a second hand forklift you can ask them about the dealer they had purchased the equipment from. When purchasing a second hand forklift it is essential that you check its load capacity. This will prevent any hazardous accidents from occurring in the future. If you keep these points in mind then the used equipment which you have purchased will be useful for many years to come.
Rob Goodey works in heavy engineering division and also a part time write on heavy engineering equipments. For more information on counterbalance lift truck. & second hand forklift he recommends you to visit
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Gabelstapler | Fork-Lift
Image by Helico
Dieser Gabelstapler wurde inspiriert von Sven Moritz Hein a.k.a. smhltec. Doch im Gegensatz zu seinem MOC, ist dieser Gabelstapler kleiner skaliert und passt damit besser zu den originalen LEGO® Sets. | This Fork-lift is inspired by Sven Moritz Hein a.k.a. smhltec. But contrary to his MOC this fork-lift truck is scaled smaller. It fits more to the original LEGO® Sets.
Please be sure and tell us about all the information and articles you find here.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Top 5 Tips When Purchasing a Used Forklift Truck
Industrial Forklifts perpetually hunt for news regarding new information on industrial forklifts. We have enclosed an article that I believe you would find informative.
Top 5 Tips When Purchasing a Used Forklift Truck
Purchasing a used forklift truck can be a more affordable option than buying new and if done wisely can make good business sense for many material handling companies. However it is important to ensure that you make the correct choice. The decision to purchase a forklift truck for your business is an important one, and it is essential to think about your requirements carefully. For example, consider the number of hours you machine will be required to work, as well as the type and weight of load you need to move. Ensuring you buy wisely is not an easy task but a very important one, and the following checklist can help with this task:
Condition: while all forklift trucks feature hour clocks, it is often wise to perform a general inspection of the truck to gauge condition. Look out for dents, which may be a result of rough or sloppy operation, and consider taking along an engineer to perform a more detailed inspection.
Performance: ask for a demonstration and check the mast function both unloaded and with full load capacity. If your truck is supplied with an attachment it would be wise to put it through its paces to ensure functionality.
Parts Availability: ensure that you will easily be able to source any parts for the truck you are purchasing. Make certain you perform a check prior to purchasing your truck to ensure they are available in the UK and secondly that they are not too costly to purchase.
Safe & Legal: ensure that the forklift truck has up to date LOLER and a Thorough Examination Certificate.
Warranty: Check what warranty is offered with your forklift. If warranty is provided make sure you are fully aware as to what is covered and any exclusions that may apply.
Charlotte Mclean works at Manton Hire & Sales Ltd a well established materials handling business, providing forklift truck hire, sales and service throughout the UK. If you would like more information on forklift truck hire or sales, please visit
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Hot "forklift" News - Tips sought after roof shingles and forklift stolen
Tips sought after roof shingles and forklift stolen
Chatham-Kent police are asking for tips after a forklift and $ 8,200 worth of roof shingles were stolen from a business on McGregor Place in Chatham. Police said sometime between Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning culprits entered a fenced compound and stole a forklift and roof shingles.[...]
Read more on Chatham Daily News
Pontiac man hit by forklift remains in serious condition
PONTIAC -- A Pontiac man remains in serious condition Friday at a Peoria hospital after being hit by a forklift at Futures Unlimited.
Read more on The Pantagraph
Fairbanks battery bank keeps lights on
MOLLY RETTIG Fairbanks Daily News-Miner FAIRBANKS, Alaska Two electricians navigated a forklift through rows of batteries in a tidy, quiet warehouse in south Fairbanks. The building, the size of a football field, houses the world's most powerful battery. The batteries are stacked on four long metal shelves in a horseshoe formation. Tony Cappell and Jed Roland connected water hoses to more than 1 ...
Read more on Washington Examiner
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Current "forklift" News - Store worker found hanging on forklift
Image by Puriri deVry
A forklift prototype for our school's FIRST robotics team.
And crappy video I know.
Store worker found hanging on forklift
Authorities are investigating the death of a Farmington Walmart employee who was found hanging upside down from a forklift pallet in the store's warehouse.
Read more on KRQE & KASA FOX 2 Albuquerque
Walmart worker found hanging from forklift
FARMINGTON — A Walmart employee found hanging upside down from a forklift pallet in the store's warehouse died Sunday evening, authorities reported on Tuesday.
Read more on The Farmington Daily Times
Farmington Walmart Worker Found Hanging From Forklift
Nine-year employee died after being found dangling upside down by co-workers Sunday afternoon. A Farmington Walmart employee found hanging upside down from a forklift in the store's warehouse died Sunday evening, authorities told The Daily . . .
Read more on Albuquerque Journal
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Current "forklift" News - Stolen Forklift in ATM Heist Taken From Nearby Construction Site (Video)
Stolen Forklift in ATM Heist Taken From Nearby Construction Site (Video)
A stolen forklift used in an ATM heist was taken by thieves from a nearby construction site that will be home to a new church in Lexington. It just doesn't get more brazen than this burglary that was . . .
Read more on Gather
Construction Company Cited for Forklift Accident
A construction company working at the University of Scranton has been fined for a forklift accident.
Read more on WNEP 16 Pennsylvania